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AERA2007: Symposium

This symposium reports on results from the first year of a five-year research project investigating undergraduate mathematics classes for prospective elementary teachers. Papers address textbooks used in these classes, state policies that aim to impact teachers' subject matter knowledge, and methodological issues involved in measuring opportunity to learn in these classes and in measuring learning gains and attitudes and beliefs. We report preliminary results from assessments of student learning, department surveys, and instructor surveys in 2006. The study is being conducted in three states with a target population of 70 mathematics departments, 200 instructors, and 2000 teacher education students. Papers presented in the symposium were: (click on the title to download a pdf of the paper)

Overview of the ME.ET project, Raven McCrory, Principal Investigator, ME.ET project, Michigan State University

The content and context of mathematics classes for elementary teachers, Marisa Cannata, PhD Candidate, Michigan State University

Uncovering “MORE THAN” elementary school mathematics in textbooks for future teachers, Helen Siedel, PhD student, University of Michigan

Effects of mathematics courses on prospective elementary teachers’ mathematical knowledge, Young Yee Kim, PhD Candidate, Michigan State University

The handouts and slides used during the symposium can also be downloaded:


PDF of the PowerPoint slides

Current list of textbooks in print (April 2007, 17 books including two soon to be published)

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0447611, with additional support from the College of Education at Michigan State University and the Center for Proficiency in Teaching Mathematics (CPTM) at the University of Michigan

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